Where can I join the FB group? 

The facebook group is private/hidden, so you will need to have a friend who is already in the group to invite you in. Once you put in your request, the admin team will screen you and determine if you are let in or not based on your prior EDC history with other groups as well as involvement in the community. Any entry requests that are put in after the weekend’s predrop announcement happens will not be screened until the weekend drops are over. 

Please do not contact me directly to get into the group.

Why so many drops?

I try to accommodate for the many varying tastes and preferences of the many people in the group so I will/or try to do a bunch of drops per weekend to meet the demands and requests you guys put in. Also, it allows people who are hardcore collectors who want to collect each "Yoshizaki" item a chance to collect my items, while also making it less of a big deal if they miss out on one of many drops each weekend. 

Drop example:

Most drops will be done as “Combination drops”. The rules are as follows:


Rank the above beads in order of preference. Eg for example - C, A, B

You do not need to rank all the beads if you only want one or two. Eg. B, C

‼️Original owners of an official ‘IN’ coin/bead can create a second comment with your preferred order of beads as a text comment. The order does not need to be the same as your first comment, but you will only be allowed to win one bead.‼️


Numbers will be drawn randomly based on the total number of beads available.

Based on the order the numbers are drawn, winners will be allocated beads based on their indicated order of preference.


If your number is drawn and your first choice has been fully allocated, you will be allocated your second choice (and so on)

If your number is drawn and none of your indicated choices are left, you will have to sit out on the lotto. Sorry about that!


Leftover beads will be allocated at a later date (method to be decided)


Do you ever do "-less" drops?

Yes, I do very occasionally do -less drops. This can be for people who are "yoshi-less", "bead-less", etc. Typically I will also follow it up with a drop that is open for all to enter, so no one group is left out of having a chance to score on that specific item. 

How does shipping work? I got my tracking number but it hasn't updated for the past week. 

Shipping works in batches. I conduct my drops for the weekend, then take all the mailers and send them to Kristian. During that time when it is en route to Kristian, your tracking number will not update since it hasn't been processed by the U.S. postal service. Once Kristian receives the mailers, he will drop them off at the post office. From there, the mailers will be processed and your tracking info will update. If there is any lost packages or stuck packages, please reach out to me and we can figure something out. At max, I have seen packages go stagnant for a month at any given U.S. distribution center and then move, so it is possible that there is a delay here and there. That is out of my control, but I will try my best within reason to make things right if a package does truly go lost in the mailing process. 

Is there any VIP service or private sale I can do with you? Can I pay my way into a guaranteed spot to buying a product?

As much as I would love to cater to everyone's wants, there is only so much I can do while juggling the rest of the drops, so no, there is zero preferential treatment for those who want a VIP service for items. Please continue to enter on drops or participate in the secondary market as those will be your best options for collecting items from me. 

Why do some people continue to win back to back on drops? Is it the randomizer's doing? 

Absolutely not, again, there is no cheating in this group and all rules are established to be in favor of those who are entering the drops. There are no predetermined winners, no private services, and no advantages given to people. If someone wins back to back on drops, particularly lottos, that is simply the result that the number randomizer kicks back out to me. The type of number randomizer also has nothing to do with who is winning, as it doesn't know who it is picking either; it is just randomly sorting numbers. People aren't "gaming" these randomizers either, each lotto is different and people who enter will almost always end up with a different entry number. In addition, the final entry count will almost always be different so the chances of winning or landing on a number are never the same. 

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